Friday, August 19, 2011


My writing process is very drawn out. My original draft is handwritten on any type of paper I have at hand. I use paper for two major reasons. First, since I never have a set time to write and usually at the mercy of a spare minute, it's a lot easier to carry around a journal than having to carry around my computer. Second, since my first draft is very rough I revise the story when I type it out. Once I have a typed out manuscript I'll let my sisters read it and have them review it for content. After I've talked to them about their opinion, I go through the manuscript and add and revise.

Revising is my least favorite part of writing. I love expanding and changing the story, what I hate about it is finding a stopping point. I can be very critical of what I write and will never think it's done. I'm of the philosophy that editing is a never ending process since there is always room for improvement. In order to get around this problem I have to set goals for myself.

The latest goal I've set for myself is revising the sequel to My Not So Normal Life. My goal is to have the sequel done and self published through by Christmas. This will be a surprise for my brother and cousin who have been eagerly anticipating the next book since they finished reading it. So hopefully, by Christmas I'll have a finished second novel. Now, just to get through the last stage of revising.

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